For­mer Min­neso­ta res­i­dent unloads on Gov Walz after moth­er died ‘of lone­li­ness’ dur­ing pan­dem­ic

<div>Former Minnesota resident unloads on Gov Walz after mother died 'of loneliness' during pandemic</div>

FIRST ON FOX: A for­mer long­time Min­neso­ta res­i­dent who fled the state due to the gov­er­nor’s poli­cies and her moth­er dying “alone” in a nurs­ing home warns that “you do not want Tim Walz in a posi­tion of pow­er over this country.“Cathy, who asked for her last name to be omit­ted, grew up in Min­neapo­lis but moved to South Dako­ta in late 2020 as Demo­c­ra­t­ic vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Gov. Tim Walz’s poli­cies on crime and coro­n­avirus prompt­ed her to leave the state, she revealed dur­ing a recent inter­view with Fox News Digital.Cathy said she specif­i­cal­ly left Min­neso­ta after her moth­er passed away of “lone­li­ness” in a nurs­ing home dur­ing the coro­n­avirus pandemic.“If it weren’t for t …