Homi­cides are plung­ing in Biden’s last year com­pared to Trump’s: report

Homicides are plunging in Biden’s last year compared to Trump’s: report

The num­ber of homi­cides in major Amer­i­can cities through the first six months of Biden’s last year in office is plung­ing com­pared to the same time peri­od dur­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion, a report says. Data from the Major Cities Chiefs Asso­ci­a­tion (MCCA) is show­ing a 13% drop in homi­cides among 66 cities from Jan­u­ary 1 to June 30, 2024, com­pared to those dates in 2020, accord­ing to Axios. The web­site reports that Boston record­ed an 80% drop in homi­cides in the first six months of 2024, fol­lowed by Philadel­phia with 70%, Bal­ti­more with 45% and Mia­mi with 29%. How­ev­er, it added that Port­land, Ore­gon saw an increase of 278%, while Seattle’s homi­cide count increased by 59% and Las Vegas’ by 55%. COLORADO POLICE DEPARTMENT SHOWS NEW WAYS TO USE DRONES FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT Over­all, the MCCA data shows that 3,451 h …