Kamala’s Cam­paign Says She Will Not Push Medicare-For-All. She Ful­ly Sup­port­ed It 5 Years Ago.

Kamala’s Campaign Says She Will Not Push Medicare-For-All. She Fully Supported It 5 Years Ago.

The Har­ris Cam­paign told Fox News on Tues­day that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee will not push a Medicare-for-all plan despite cam­paign­ing on pro­vid­ing uni­ver­sal Medicare just five years ago.
A Har­ris cam­paign offi­cial told Fox News’ Peter Doocy that the vice pres­i­dent, who cam­paigned on push­ing Medicare-for-all in the 2020 Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry, will not make the same promise on this cam­paign.
Har­ris told Doocy in 2019, “So, the bot­tom line and the most impor­tant is that every­one have access to health care. That is the goal. That is the pur­pose for me sup­port­ing the …