Liz Truss walks out of book event after let­tuce ban­ner prank: ‘Not fun­ny’

Liz Truss walks out of book event after lettuce banner prank: ‘Not funny’

Liz Truss, for­mer prime min­is­ter of the Unit­ed King­dom, walked off the stage at a book pro­mo­tion event after a left-wing activist group pranked her.
A video post­ed on X showed Truss sit­ting down in a green dress for a dis­cus­sion onstage Tues­day night at the Bec­cles Pub­lic Hall in Suf­folk.
“I sup­port Trump, and I want him to win. It’s what I was say­ing a bit about incum­bents. I think the aver­age Amer­i­can is not doing well,” she said as a remote-con­trolled ban­ner low­ered from over­head fea­tur­ing an image of a head of let­tuce and the phrase, “I crashed the econ­o­my.”
The image was meant to mock Truss because the Dai­ly Star had launched a live stream to see wheth …