‘Dev­as­tat­ing agen­da’: Top Min­neso­ta law­mak­er sounds alarm on busi­ness­es flee­ing Walz’s ‘social­ist cru­sade’

<div>'Devastating agenda': Top Minnesota lawmaker sounds alarm on businesses fleeing Walz's 'socialist crusade'</div>

STURGEON LAKE – A GOP con­gress­man in north­east Min­neso­ta is blast­ing the eco­nom­ic poli­cies of Tim Walz, argu­ing that the governor’s eco­nom­ic efforts and COVID poli­cies have been “dev­as­tat­ing” for most Minnesotans.“I’ve talked to a lot of busi­ness­es that either have left or when they expand are not expand­ing in Min­neso­ta,” GOP Rep. Pete Stauber, who rep­re­sents Minnesota’s 8th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict, told Fox News Dig­i­tal. “I mean, hun­dreds of mil­lions of pri­vate invest­ment are leav­ing Min­neso­ta under Walz’s watch.”“He’s sup­port­ed the high­est income tax rate in the nation at 10%, he has tak­en a $19 bil­lion sur­plus and the next year added a $10 bil­lion tax on the hard­work­ing Min­nesotans. He’s increased gov­ern­ment spend­ing by almost 50%. Ver …