Nord Stream 2 bomb­ing sus­pect slips out of Poland’s fin­gers

Nord Stream 2 bombing suspect slips out of Poland’s fingers

A sus­pect in the destruc­tion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline link­ing Rus­sia to Ger­many escaped into Ukraine before he could be arrest­ed, accord­ing to Pol­ish offi­cials who received a Ger­man war­rant for his arrest.
“The man crossed the Pol­ish-Ukrain­ian bor­der at the begin­ning of July,” Anna Adami­ak, a spokes­woman for Poland’s nation­al prosecutor’s office, said Wednes­day.
The man, iden­ti­fied as a Ukrain­ian div­ing instruc­tor named Volodymyr Z., is sus­pect­ed of work­ing with a div­ing team to place explo­sives on the con­tro­ver­sial pipeline. Yet Ger­man author­i­ties neglect­ed to “include him in the data­base of want­ed pers …