Para­mount TV Shut­ting Down, Lay­ing Off Thou­sands Amid Indus­try Upheaval

Paramount TV Shutting Down, Laying Off Thousands Amid Industry Upheaval

Para­mount Glob­al announced on Tues­day it would be shut­ting down its TV stu­dio, lay­ing off thou­sands amid the industry’s uncer­tain future.
The com­pa­ny announced that Para­mount Tele­vi­sion Stu­dios will be shut­ting down lat­er this week. In a memo to staff on Tues­day morn­ing, pres­i­dent Nicole Clemens said the over­all trans­for­ma­tion in the indus­try has affect­ed the stu­dio dras­ti­cal­ly.