‘Putting down a rabid dog’: Ste­fanik demands NY offi­cial resign over Trump shoot­ing remark

<div>'Putting down a rabid dog': Stefanik demands NY official resign over Trump shooting remark</div>

EXCLUSIVE: House GOP Con­fer­ence Chair Elise Ste­fanik, R‑N.Y., is demand­ing that a local elect­ed offi­cial in her dis­trict resign after report­ed­ly com­par­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump to a “rabid dog” after he was shot.Christine Paige, a mem­ber of the Pots­dam Town Coun­cil, has faced bipar­ti­san back­lash over her com­ments, which were first report­ed last month by local media.“Far Left Democ­rats sup­port­ing polit­i­cal vio­lence and the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Trump are shame­ful and do not deserve to rep­re­sent the great peo­ple of the North Coun­try,” Ste­fanik told Fox News Digital.“Potsdam Town Board Mem­ber Chris­tine Paige must be con­demned by the NY Demo­c­rat State Par­ty, and she must resign in dis­grace after she said shoot­ing Pres­i­dent Trump would be like …