Reid Warns GOP Is Try­ing To Rig The Elec­tion… In Wyoming

MSNBC’s Joy Reid devot­ed much of Tuesday’s edi­tion of The Rei­d­Out to freak­ing out over the idea that Repub­li­cans will use var­i­ous meth­ods to under­mine November’s elec­tion results should Don­ald Trump lose. One idea that was par­tic­u­lar­ly unhinged was the idea that purg­ing vot­er rolls is so prob­lem­at­ic that it led Reid to warn that Repub­li­cans are even try­ing to rig the elec­tion in Wyoming.

Reid claimed, “In Ohio, the Ohio sec­re­tary of state, Frank LaRose, purge …