Rep. Jor­dan says Kamala Har­ris could fix the bor­der, econ­o­my as VP but has­n’t: ‘She’s made it worse’

<div>Rep. Jordan says Kamala Harris could fix the border, economy as VP but hasn't: 'She's made it worse'</div>

Rep. Jim Jor­dan, R‑Ohio, said Tues­day that Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, who is also the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’s pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee, could fix issues like the bor­der cri­sis, the econ­o­my and crime in her cur­rent capac­i­ty as vice pres­i­dent but has failed to do so.This comes as Har­ris has begun mak­ing promis­es of what her admin­is­tra­tion would do if she defeats for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump in Novem­ber to become the next pres­i­dent, includ­ing being stronger on bor­der secu­ri­ty, fight­ing for the mid­dle class and work­ing to pass gun reform such as uni­ver­sal back­ground checks, red flag laws and an assault weapons ban.But Repub­li­cans are hit­ting Har­ris over the poli­cies the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion has pushe …