RNC Chair­man Michael What­ley: GOP Has 157,000 Vol­un­teers To Ensure Legit­i­ma­cy Of Elec­tion Results

Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee (RNC) Chair­man Michael What­ley said on Tues­day that the RNC has had tremen­dous suc­cess lay­ing the ground­work for Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump to win the upcom­ing elec­tion this fall.
What­ley made the remarks dur­ing an inter­view with Just The News’s John Solomon while dis­cussing the aggres­sive strat­e­gy that the RNC has deployed to stave off any prob­lems it encoun­tered in 2020, rang­ing from hav­ing elec­tion mon­i­tors to fil­ing …