Trump cam­paign picks up the pace, eyes counter-pro­gram­ming dur­ing Democ­rats’ con­ven­tion

<div>Trump campaign picks up the pace, eyes counter-programming during Democrats' convention</div>

With Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris rid­ing a wave head­ing into next week’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion, for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump and his cam­paign appear to be step­ping up their efforts to blunt her momentum.Trump’s cam­paign tells Fox News it plans to counter-pro­gram dur­ing the Democ­rats’ nation­al nom­i­nat­ing con­ven­tion, which kicks off next Mon­day in Chicago.“We’re going to roll out some stuff,” a Trump cam­paign senior advis­er told Fox News.The advis­er, who asked to remain anony­mous to speak more freely, said the cam­paign will put “a whole cadre of peo­ple” — includ­ing Trump and top sur­ro­gates — into the field next week.TRUMP ARGUES HARRIS IS MORE LIBERAL THAN BERNIE SANDERS — HERE’S WHAT THE VERMONT SENATOR TOLD FOX NEWS “We’re cer­tain­ly going to have key peo­ple in the bat­tle­grounds and avail­able to the media to coun­ter­pro­gram,” the advis­er said. And one of …