On Trump crit­i­cism, Vance tells Fox News for­mer pres­i­den­t’s ‘off the cuff’ com­ments ‘part of his appeal’

<div>On Trump criticism, Vance tells Fox News former president's 'off the cuff' comments 'part of his appeal'</div>

EXCLUSIVE: BYRON CENTER, Mich. — Don­ald Trump’s run­ning mate has an answer to the blunt advice from allies and fel­low Repub­li­cans that the for­mer pres­i­dent should stick to pol­i­cy and mes­sag­ing instead of ques­tion­ing Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ crowd sizes at her ral­lies, her race or attacks on her intellect.“I think one of the things peo­ple actu­al­ly love about Don­ald Trump in pol­i­tics is he’s not unwill­ing to speak off the cuff. He says what’s actu­al­ly on his mind. He’s not always fil­tered. I think that’s a good thing and part of his appeal,” GOP vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Sen. JD Vance, R‑Ohio, said Wednes­day in a nation­al exclu­sive inter­view with Fox News Digital.But Vance, speak­ing ahead of a cam­paign event in bat­tle­ground Michig …