Votes show like­ly Her­rera Beut­ler vs Upthe­grove in race for lands com­mis­sion­er

Votes show likely Herrera Beutler vs Upthegrove in race for lands commissioner

(The Cen­ter Square) – In a race that remains too close to call for the sec­ond-place fin­ish­er, Repub­li­can Jaime Her­rera Beut­ler has secured her top spot for Wash­ing­ton state’s next pub­lic lands com­mis­sion­er.
As of Tues­day, the for­mer mem­ber of Con­gress has just under 22% of the vote total.
While it appeared just after the Aug. 6 pri­ma­ry that Repub­li­can Sue Kuehl Ped­er­son would cinch the sec­ond spot, snub­bing Democ­rats out of th …