West Vir­ginia gov­er­nor blames pol­i­tics for sud­den bank auc­tion of $50M resort amid key Sen­ate bid

West Virginia governor blames politics for sudden bank auction of M resort amid key Senate bid

One of West Vir­ginia Gov. Jim Justice’s most prized pos­ses­sions is set to hit the auc­tion block against his will lat­er this month, and the Repub­li­can U.S. Sen­ate nom­i­nee said the sit­u­a­tion reeks of bla­tant politics.In 2009, the Demo­c­rat-turned-Repub­li­can res­cued the Green­bri­er lux­u­ry resort in White Sul­phur Springs, W.V. from bank­rupt­cy by pur­chas­ing it from CSX. This week, Jus­tice said the big banks nev­er would have act­ed against the Green­bri­er prop­er­ty now if he were not poised to flip the decid­ing seat in a nar­row­ly-divid­ed U.S. Senate.Justice’s cam­paign and his guber­na­to­r­i­al office declined to respond to Fox News Dig­i­tal’s requests for comme …