4 Pinoc­chios: WaPo Fact-Checks Tim Walz’s Lat­est Lie About JD Vance

The Wash­ing­ton Post gave Demo­c­rat Gov. Tim Walz (MN) “four Pinoc­chios” in a Thurs­day fact-check for lying about Repub­li­can Sen. JD Vance (OH) dur­ing a recent cam­paign event.
Walz, who’s been slat­ed to be Kamala Har­ris’ VP pick, claimed Vance, Don­ald Trump’s VP pick, is not pro-work­er and has “nev­er cast a vote on a pro-work­er bill in his life.”
“I’ll tell you, [Trump’s] run­ning mate, I don’t know if that was a val­ue-add to this cam­paign or not, but he’s one of four sen­a­tors, four, that has nev­er cast a vote on a pro-work­er bill in his life. Not once,” Walz said Tues­day …