Cuban, Stew­art Mock Musk. Musk Laughs Them Off The Stage.

Cuban, Stewart Mock Musk. Musk Laughs Them Off The Stage.

Bil­lion­aire left­ist Mark Cuban and com­ic Jon Stew­art mocked X CEO Elon Musk on The Dai­ly Show after his inter­view with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, prompt­ing Musk to demol­ish them in return.
“I mean, look at Elon, right?” Cuban began. “Elon, in being one of the most pow­er­ful peo­ple, he’s try­ing to be the most influ­en­tial man in the world — it sounds like a com­mer­cial — but lit­er­al­ly, that’s what Twit­ter has giv­en him.”
“I’ve got­ta say, I think he might be that,” Stew­art …