Econ­o­my, Immi­gra­tion Remain Top Con­cerns For Vot­ers, Poll Finds

Economy, Immigration Remain Top Concerns For Voters, Poll Finds

The state of the econ­o­my and immi­gra­tion remain the top con­cerns for vot­ers as we near the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in Novem­ber, a new poll has found.
The poll from The Econ­o­mist and YouGov found that the two issues are still the top con­cerns for Amer­i­cans, mark­ing the con­tin­u­a­tion of a trend iden­ti­fied by ear­li­er polls. While 74 per­cent of those polled said that jobs and the econ­o­my are “very impor­tant,” anoth­er 23 per­cent said that it is “some­what impor­tant.” Anoth­er 56 per­cent said that immi­gra­tion was “very impor­tant” while an addi­tion­al 31 per­cent called it “some­what impor­tant.”
When asked direct­ly about which is …