ESPN Fires Female Host Who Spoke Out About Males In Girls’ Sports

ESPN host Sam Pon­der has been fired by left-wing sports net­work ESPN after speak­ing out about the unfair­ness of bio­log­i­cal males com­pet­ing in women’s sports.
The net­work, which is owned by The Walt Dis­ney Com­pa­ny, claimed they fired Pon­der, along with Robert Grif­fin III, due to “finan­cial rea­sons.”
How­ev­er, social media plat­form X was rife with out­rage about the host’s abrupt fir­ing. Some not­ed that Pon­der was the only female at the net­work speak­ing out about the vital gen­der issue, specif­i­cal­ly when it comes to sports. It was also high­light­ed that for­mer ESPN per­son­al­i­ty Steele Stage was sim­i­lar­ly fired after she voiced some con­ser­v­a­tive opin­ions.
“So ESPN fires [Sam Pon­der], the only woman at the ne …