Fox News Pol­i­tics: Kamala’s 180

<div>Fox News Politics: Kamala's 180</div>

Wel­come to the Fox News Pol­i­tics newslet­ter with the lat­est polit­i­cal news from Wash­ing­ton, D.C. and updates from the 2024 cam­paign trail. Here’s what’s hap­pen­ing…- Vance and Walz to debate Octo­ber 1st — RFK Jr. report­ed­ly seeks out Har­ris cab­i­net posi­tion in exchange for drop­ping out- Google con­firms Iran tar­get­ed the Trump & Har­ris campaigns…Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris is doing an about-face on sev­er­al far-left poli­cies as she dis­tances her­self from Pres­i­dent Biden and attempts to make a name of her own as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee. In her first pol­i­cy speech in North Car­oli­na lat­er this week and then next week at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Chica­go, Har­ris plans to present to Amer­i­cans who she is and how she will gov­ern essen­tial­ly for the first time since Biden backed out of the race and endorsed her pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. In recent weeks, Har­ris has shift­ed on at least five major pol­i­cy stances: manda­to­ry assault rifle buy­backs, frack­ing, immi­gra­tion, health care and a fed­er­al jobs guar­an­tee. While cam­paign­ing for pres­i­dent in 2019, she endorsed a manda­to­ry buy­back pro­gram for assault rifles. “We have to have a buy­back pro­gram, and I sup­port a manda­to­ry gun buy­back pro­gram,” Har­ris said in Octo­ber 2019, accord­ing to NBC News. “It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 mil­lion [assault weapons] at least, some esti­mate as many as 10 mil­lion, and we’re going to have to have smart pub­lic pol­i­cy that’s about tak­ing those o …