Google Maps Adds New ‘Trav­el­ing With Kids’ Option That Auto­mat­i­cal­ly Sched­ules Stops At Every Sin­gle Restroom Along Route

COLLEGE STATION, TX — Google Maps users across the nation are report­ing that the pop­u­lar nav­i­ga­tion app has just added a help­ful new fea­ture: a spe­cial “Trav­el­ing With Kids” option which will auto­mat­i­cal­ly sched­ule stops at every sin­gle restroom along a giv­en route. The option has been greet­ed with rave reviews from par­ents of large fam­i­lies across the nation, most of whom laud it as “the best thing since the Baby Björn.”
“Let’s just face real­i­ty,” said Becky …