Har­ris weighs how close­ly to embrace Biden agen­da

Harris weighs how closely to embrace Biden agenda

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is jug­gling a dif­fi­cult task almost a month into her 2024 run: keep­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden far enough away to estab­lish her inde­pen­dence while tak­ing cred­it for the shared accom­plish­ments of their admin­is­tra­tion.
Har­ris will con­tin­ue to push for bipar­ti­san poli­cies yet to be real­ized from the Biden agen­da, her cam­paign has stressed, includ­ing sign­ing a failed Sen­ate immi­gra­tion deal into law and mak­ing the expand­ed child tax cred­it per­ma­nent.
At the same time, she has tout­ed the defin­ing pol­i­cy achieve­ments of Biden’s first term to frame her­self as a …