How Trans Ide­ol­o­gy Is Infect­ing The Fos­ter Care Sys­tem

The “trans­ing” of America’s fos­ter care sys­tem is under way, and Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and Min­neso­ta Gov­er­nor Tim Walz are total­ly on board. It doesn’t both­er them that inject­ing trans ide­ol­o­gy into fos­ter care means that some vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren are banned from find­ing new homes with lov­ing fam­i­lies. It’s already hap­pen­ing. Just ask the Har­mon fam­i­ly of St. Peter, Min­neso­ta. 
My orga­ni­za­tion, the Con­science Project, has released a short video doc­u­ment­ing what Nan­cy and Jay Har­mon had to endure. The cou­ple has fos­tered around 50 chil­dren over the last 25 years. Nan­cy was a fos­ter child her­self. In Decem­ber 2021 the Har­mons took in three sis­ters aged 9, 10, and 11. The girls had suf­fered unimag­in­able abuse and neglect by their bio­log­i­cal par­ents. Nan­cy recalls, for exam­ple, that when the water went out at the girls’ house, …