Kamala Har­ris, Tim Walz Inter­view Each Oth­er in Pol­i­cy-Free Dis­cus­sion as Both Con­tin­ue to Dodge Press

Kamala Harris, Tim Walz Interview Each Other in Policy-Free Discussion as Both Continue to Dodge Press

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and Gov. Tim Walz final­ly grant­ed an inter­view, not to a hos­tile – or even a friend­ly – press, but to them­selves.
The media-averse duo record­ed a bizarre pol­i­cy-free con­ver­sa­tion cut togeth­er in the style of a free-wheel­ing inter­view released Thurs­day by the Har­ris-Walz cam­paign.

Vot­ers look­ing for where Har­ris and Walz stand on the …