NBC Decries Vance for Say­ing… Its Good for Kids to Know Their Grand­par­ents?

NBC Decries Vance for Saying… Its Good for Kids to Know Their Grandparents?

The lib­er­al media were so des­per­ate to make the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party’s ‘J.D. Vance is weird’ nar­ra­tive stick, that they’re now claim­ing it’s con­tro­ver­sial for the Sen­a­tor from Ohio, who was raised by his grand­moth­er, to acknowl­edge the fact that [check’s notes] it’s a good thing for chil­dren to know and build a rela­tion­ship with their grand­par­ents. That was the claim made by NBC senior Capi­tol Hill cor­re­spon­dent Gar­rett Haake dur­ing Thursday’s edi­tion of Today.
Amid their report­ing on the st …