NYC May­or Urges Pro-Hamas Agi­ta­tors To ‘Hold Onto All Of That Anger’ Until Novem­ber

On Wednes­day night, a huge mass of anti-Israel agi­ta­tors dis­rupt­ed a ral­ly for Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris in New York City, hold­ing a pho­to of ter­ror­ist Hamas chief Yahya Sin­war, yelling “nor­mal­ize the intifa­da,” and inter­rupt­ing speech­es. They then tar­get­ed an after-par­ty at a restau­rant, where they set off smoke bombs and fought with police.
New York City Demo­c­ra­t­ic May­or Eric Adams addressed the agi­ta­tors, say­ing weak­ly, “I don’t mind that you want to raise your voice. … Hold onto all of that anger until after …