Oper­a­tion Dra­goon: The For­got­ten Inva­sion Of World War II, The Cham­pagne Cam­paign

Operation Dragoon: The Forgotten Invasion Of World War II, The Champagne Campaign

On August 15, 1944, a vast Allied fleet stood off the coast of France. In the dark hours of the morn­ing, thou­sands of Amer­i­can and British air­borne troops land­ed inland in the Argens riv­er val­ley around the town of La Motte, to secure the main road lead­ing towards the north, link up with the French Resis­tance, and pre­vent Ger­man rein­force­ments from going to the land­ing beach­es. 
Pre­ced­ed by a mas­sive naval bom­bard­ment and com­man­do raids on spe­cif­ic ene­my bat­ter­ies and coastal defens­es, three Amer­i­can in …