Doocy Asks Biden If He Is Both­ered By Kamala Har­ris Dis­tanc­ing Her­self From His Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies

Doocy Asks Biden If He Is Bothered By Kamala Harris Distancing Herself From His Economic Policies

Instead of suck­ing up to the polit­i­cal and cor­po­rate pow­ers that dom­i­nate Amer­i­ca, The Dai­ly Caller is fight­ing for you — our read­ers. We humbly ask you to con­sid­er join­ing us in this fight.
Now that mil­lions of read­ers are reject­ing the increas­ing­ly biased and even cor­rupt cor­po­rate media and join­ing us dai­ly, there are pow­er­ful forces lined up to stop us: the old guard of the n …