Ray­gun, Viral Break­dancer, Com­plains About Post-Olympics ‘Hate’: ‘I Worked My Butt Off’

Ray­gun, the Aus­tralian break danc­ing Olympian who went viral for scor­ing zero points dur­ing the 2024 games in Paris, is speak­ing up about back­lash fol­low­ing the event.
“Hi every­one, Ray­gun here. I just want to start by thank­ing all the peo­ple who have sup­port­ed me,” she shared in a video post­ed to Insta­gram on Thurs­day. “I real­ly appre­ci­ate the pos­i­tiv­i­ty and I’m glad I was able to bring some joy into your lives. That’s what I hoped.”
“I didn’t real­ize that that would also open the door to so much hate, which has frankly been pret­ty dev­as­tat­ing,” the com­peti­tor, whose real name is Rachael Gunn, con­tin­ued. “While I went out there and I had fun, I did take it very seri­ous­ly.”
She con­tin­ued: “I worked my butt off prepar­ing for the Olympics and I gave my all, tru­ly. I’m hon­ored to have been a part of the Aus­tralian O …