Reid: Chris­tians For Har­ris Are Akin To Those Who ‘Led The Civ­il Rights Move­ment’

<div>Reid: Christians For Harris Are Akin To Those Who 'Led The Civil Rights Movement'</div>

MSNBC’s Joy Reid is ter­ri­fied of reli­gion inter­sect­ing with pol­i­tics and is con­stant­ly wor­ry­ing on The Rei­d­Out about the threat of “Chris­t­ian Nation­al­ism.” On Wednes­day, though, she found an excep­tion for Kamala Har­ris sup­port­ers who mix reli­gion and pol­i­tics because they are like the “Chris­t­ian pas­tors who led the civ­il rights move­ment.”

Reid made the lit­er­al­ly unbe­liev­able claim that “Evan­gel­i­cal Chris­tians for Kamala Har­ris was not on any­one’s bin­go card for 2024. Because most peo­ple assume Evan­gel­i­cal is sy …