Trump blasts Tim Walz over ties to Mus­lim cler­ic who shared pro-Hitler film

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump took aim at Demo­c­ra­t­ic vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN) on Thurs­day over the governor’s ties to a Mus­lim cler­ic who pro­mot­ed a pro-Hitler movie.
“He’s praised a Hitler-sup­port­ing rad­i­cal Mus­lim iman named Asad Zaman, call­ing him a ‘mas­ter teacher,’” Trump said in a speech in New Jer­sey to Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, cit­ing exclu­sive report­ing from the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
“He knew him for a long time,” Trump said, refer­ring to Walz’s rela­tion­ship with Asad Zaman of the Mus­lim Amer­i­can Soci­ety of Min­neso­ta that the Har­ris cam­paign has sought to dis­miss. “He’s a ‘mas­ter teacher.’ If Kamala Har­ris and Tim Walz are elect­ed, the rad­i­cal-left flag burn­ers and Hamas sym­pa­thiz­ers will not just be caus­ing chaos on our streets. They’ll be run­ning U.S. for­eign pol­i­cy in the White House, and Israel will be gone.”

This week, the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er pub­lished footage show­ing that Walz praised the cler­ic at a 2018 event host­ed by his group, the Mus­lim Amer­i­can Soci­ety of Min­neso­ta.
“I am a teacher, so when I see a mas­ter teacher, I know it. Over the time we’ve spent togeth­er, one of the things I’ve had the priv­i­lege of is see­ing the things in life through the eye …