Wes­ley Hunt warns vot­ers to view Har­ris-Walz tick­et as ‘rad­i­cals’

Rep. Wes­ley Hunt (R‑TX) said vot­ing for Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris would bring the “law­less­ness” seen in Cal­i­for­nia to every city and town in the nation.
Hunt cit­ed the “defund the police” move­ment dur­ing the sum­mer of 2020, which gained momen­tum short­ly after the death of George Floyd. The Texas con­gress­man ref­er­enced how Har­ris and her run­ning mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN), were in lead­er­ship posi­tions dur­ing the “sum­mer of love,” and he argued the riots and loot­ing seen in Cal­i­for­nia and Min­neso­ta dur­ing this time frame are at the top of the 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic tick­et.
“We, as a par­ty, and we, as a coun­try, have got to rec­og­nize these rad­i­cals for who they are and why they are try­ing to divide us in the future,” Hunt said on Fox News’s Han­ni­ty. “That’s why this Novem­ber is so impor­tant. Because we have got to come togeth­er and stop the rad­i­cal Left from destroy­ing the v …