Blue Dog PAC back­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic chal­lenger to Rep. Anna Pauli­na Luna

Blue Dog PAC backing Democratic challenger to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna

The Blue Dog Coalition’s Blue Dog PAC is back­ing Whit­ney Fox, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic chal­lenger to Rep. Anna Pauli­na Luna (R‑FL) in Florida’s 13th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict.
The Blue Dogs are a group of mod­er­ate-to-cen­trist Democ­rats led by Reps. Mary Pel­to­la (D‑AK), Marie Glusenkamp Perez (D‑WA), and Jared Gold­en (D‑ME).
“Whit­ney Fox is the right per­son to rep­re­sent Pinel­las Coun­ty in Con­gress and the best can­di­date to flip this seat,” Rep. Mike Thomp­son (D‑CA), chair­man of the polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee, said. “A mom of two tod­dlers who grew up in the Tam­pa Bay area, Whit­ney will always put Flori­da fam­i­lies first.”
“Whether it’s low­er­ing home insur­ance costs, fix­ing the afford­abil­i­ty cri­sis, …