Dem social­ist sen­a­tor ral­lies behind Har­ris’ price-fix­ing plan: ‘Impor­tant step for­ward’

<div>Dem socialist senator rallies behind Harris' price-fixing plan: 'Important step forward'</div>

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I‑Vt., gave his approval to Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ new­ly unveiled eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy pro­pos­al on Fri­day, call­ing it “bold and popular.”“Is it all that I would like? No,” he said in a state­ment. “Is it an impor­tant step for­ward in mak­ing our coun­try a fair­er and more just soci­ety? Absolutely.“Sanders laud­ed the pro­pos­al for speak­ing “to the needs of work­ing fam­i­lies” and tak­ing on “the unprece­dent­ed cor­po­rate greed that is tak­ing place through­out America.“TIM SCOTT SAYS AMERICANS ‘SMARTER THAN’ HARRIS ON ECONOMY AMID RELEASE OF CONTROVERSIAL PLANSanders has long-described him­self as a Demo­c­ra­t­ic social­ist, and has been con­sid­ered one of the most far-left U.S. politi­cians. Har­ris’ plan was revealed by her cam­paign on Fri­day, includ­ing sev …