JD Vance’s Plane Forced To Make Emer­gency Land­ing

A Boe­ing 737 that was car­ry­ing Repub­li­can vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee JD Vance was forced to make an emer­gency land­ing on Fri­day at Mil­wau­kee Inter­na­tion­al Air­port over pos­si­ble issues with the air­craft.
The plane, dubbed Trump Force Two, had to return to the air­port around 1:30 p.m., short­ly after take­off, and was cleared to fly again about an hour lat­er.
“The pilot advised there was a mal­func­tion with the door seal. After declar­ing an emer­gency, Trump Force Two returned to Mil­wau­kee,” said Tay­lor Van Kirk, a spokes­woman for the sen­a­tor. “As soon a …