La Croix Intro­duces New Creamed Corn Fla­vor

U.S. — In an excit­ing announce­ment expect­ed to gen­er­ate sig­nif­i­cant buzz among peo­ple who enjoy bev­er­ages vague­ly fla­vored by obscure and unpop­u­lar fla­vors, sparkling water brand La Croix has intro­duced a new Creamed Corn fla­vor.
The new fla­vor was cho­sen fol­low­ing exten­sive research to find any fla­vors La Croix had not already used, which end­ed up being a list con­sist­ing only of beef Welling­ton, ranch dress­ing, and creamed corn.
“It’s an excit­ing day for peo­ple who enjoy things that almos …