Mike Waltz, first Green Beret elect­ed to Con­gress, has a les­son for us all

Mike Waltz, first Green Beret elected to Congress, has a lesson for us all

Rep. Mike Waltz (R‑FL) knows all about being the tar­get of “stolen val­or” claims.
Unlike the charges being hurled at Demo­c­ra­t­ic vice pres­i­den­tial pick Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN), the polit­i­cal­ly dri­ven accu­sa­tions Waltz faced two years ago in his cam­paign for a House seat had no basis in real­i­ty since he was a legit­i­mate Green Beret hero in Afghanistan.
While Walz has ducked ques­tions about his mil­i­tary claims, Waltz want­ed to hit back at his crit­ics imme­di­ate­ly.
“A local vet­er­an was ques­tion­ing very pub­licly my ser­vice, and it was stolen val­or, and my first instinct was to punch the guy back as hard and pub­licly as I could,” Waltz said, recall­ing the attack dur­ing his ini­tial bid for office in 2018 which made him the first Green Beret in Con­gress.

“My wife and oth­ers said, ‘No, this is a time for restraint,’” he told Secrets. 
Still, …