Report: Basic Gro­ceries Cost 21% More Because Of Biden-Har­ris Poli­cies

Report: Basic Groceries Cost 21% More Because Of Biden-Harris Policies

Amid reports that Kamala Har­ris will announce her first pol­i­cy posi­tion on Fri­day – an attack on “greedy” gro­cery com­pa­nies with a plan for price lim­its – there’s bad news for Amer­i­can con­sumers about their gro­cery costs.

Harris’s plan, report­ed by mul­ti­ple out­lets on Thurs­day, said her idea is to pur­sue a “price con­trol” scheme, a tac­tic that repres­sive gov­ern­ments often pur­sue to try to make their economies look bet­ter.
It is …