The Insti­ga­tors isn’t bad enough to be good

The Instigators isn’t bad enough to be good

Here’s my syn­op­sis for The Insti­ga­tors, Apple TV+’s messy straight-to-stream­er led by Matt Damon and Casey Affleck: After botch­ing an elec­tion-night rob­bery, two dim-but-affa­ble Boston bros (and one of their shrinks) out­run the police as they bick­er like they’re in cou­ples ther­a­py. It’s a heist movie on a psychiatrist’s couch. It’s a par­o­dy of a heist movie set in Boston. It’s an action-com­e­dy that wants to be a block­buster that par­o­dies heist movies. 
What­ev­er this movie is going for, it’s wob­bly, and the riv­ets are pop­ping off as it tries to hold every­thing togeth­er. 

Casey Affleck and Matt Damon in The Insti­ga­tors. (Cour­tesy of Apple TV+)

With­out being one of the pos­i­tive adjec­tives (“genre-bend­ing”) that some­times get applied to films that have no real Hol­ly­wood prece­dent, The Insti­ga­tors is hard to cat­e­go­rize. It’s not quite trash or art or “so bad it’s good.” It has the veneer of a high‑c …