Trump tries to claw back senior sup­port after gains by Biden and Har­ris

Trump tries to claw back senior support after gains by Biden and Harris

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris appears to have inher­it­ed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s polling advan­tage among seniors despite for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s appeals to the demo­graph­ic and past per­for­mance.
While much has been made of the enthu­si­asm for Har­ris among Gen­er­a­tion Z vot­ers, memes and all, seniors have tra­di­tion­al­ly been a more reli­able vot­ing group, and Trump does not seem to be con­ced­ing it.
AARP poll­ster Jeff Liszt described seniors as a demo­graph­ic bat­tle­ground, with Trump per­form­ing bet­ter among vot­ers aged 50 to 64 but vot­ers 65 and old­er being “more com­pet­i­tive.”
“One of the big ques­tions now is whether or not that dynam­ic ends up chang­ing with the cha …