Walz vs. Vance: New poll reveals which vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee is favored among vot­ers

Walz vs. Vance: New poll reveals which vice presidential nominee is favored among voters

Gov. Tim Walz cur­rent­ly has a high­er favor­a­bil­i­ty rat­ing than Sen. JD Vance among vot­ers, accord­ing to a new 2024 sur­vey on the vice pres­i­den­tial candidates.A new Wash­ing­ton Post/ABC News/Ipsos sur­vey found that Walz is favored by 39% of Amer­i­cans, com­pared to Vance’s 32%, while 30% have an unfa­vor­able opin­ion of Walz. How­ev­er, Amer­i­cans may still be form­ing an opin­ion of Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris’ run­ning mate, as 31% of respon­dents did not answer the question.Additionally, 44% of Amer­i­cans said they dis­ap­prove of Walz as Har­ris’ run­ning mate.MINNESOTA BUSINESS OWNERS SOUND ALARM ON HARRIS’ ‘NIGHTMARE’ VP PICK: ‘REALLY BAD FOR THE US’Asked about their opin­ion of Vance, 32% of respon­dents have a favor­able view of the Ohio sen­a­tor, while 42% have an unfa­vor­able opin­ion of Trump’s run­ning mate. About 26% of respon­dents did n …