Want A Job With Kamala? You’ve Got 9 Pro­noun Choic­es, Includ­ing ‘Hu/Hu’ And ‘Fae/Faer’

Want A Job With Kamala? You’ve Got 9 Pronoun Choices, Including ‘Hu/Hu’ And ‘Fae/Faer’

Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign allows poten­tial hires to select from a litany of pro­nouns, includ­ing some that refer to peo­ple who believe they are “non-bina­ry” or are sup­pos­ed­ly “with­out” a gen­der.
A job appli­ca­tion on the cam­paign web­site allows those seek­ing employ­ment to choose from nine sets of gen­der pro­nouns total, includ­ing sev­en sets that devi­ate from the usu­al “he/him” and “she/her.” They are some­times referred to as “neo­pro­nouns.”
Appli­cants who iden­ti­fy as non­bi­na­ry or even claim to be “agen­der” can select neu­tral pro­noun sets like “they/them,” or the short­ened ver­sion, “ey/em,” or “xe/xem” or “ze/hir.”    Oth­er options include “hir/hir,” and a short­ened ver­sio …