Wives: 8 Sub­tle Signs Your Hus­band Is ‘In The Mood’

Men are such a mys­tery, espe­cial­ly when it comes to romance. So how can you real­ly be sure he’s “in the mood?” We assem­bled a pan­el of man experts to explain the sub­tle signs that indi­cate his desire to be with you.
Here are 10 signs to look for that might be an indi­ca­tion your man is in the mood to “get roman­tic.”

He is awake: Yup, he’s inter­est­ed.

He’s breath­ing: A clear sign he’s in the mood to get down.

He’s wear­ing his good car­go shorts: The ones with­out any holes in them. Sexy.

He’s …