Biden Pushed Out Of Prime­time Speak­ing Slot At What Was Sup­posed To Be His Con­ven­tion

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s speech at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion was forced out of prime­time on Mon­day night at what was sup­posed to be a con­ven­tion focused on his re-elec­tion cam­paign before his par­ty pres­sured him to drop out of the race.
Biden being forced out of prime­time — 8 p.m. EST to 11 p.m. EST, Mon­day through Fri­day — after he gave up the nom­i­na­tion, despite win­ning all the del­e­gates dur­ing the pri­ma­ry, became the top sto­ry of the ni …