Chica­go gro­cery own­er skep­ti­cal of Har­ris ‘goug­ing’ plan: ‘What exact­ly are we try­ing to con­trol?’

<div>Chicago grocery owner skeptical of Harris 'gouging' plan: 'What exactly are we trying to control?'</div>

Local gro­cery store own­ers strug­gling with infla­tion might face price caps to curb “price goug­ing” if Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris becomes the next pres­i­dent. As part of Har­ris’ eco­nom­ic agen­da, she plans to imple­ment fed­er­al price con­trols on gro­ceries and oth­er every­day expens­es. But a local gro­cery store own­er in Chica­go – where the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion is under­way – says he’s not sure “what we’re try­ing to control.”“Most of the gro­cers that I know and asso­ciate with are very con­scious of hav­ing prod­ucts that we’re pric­ing things accord­ing to what we pay for them, not nec­es­sar­i­ly as to what the mar­ket bears,” Har­ves­Time gro­cery store own­er Hris­tos “Chris” Dal­las told Fox News Dig­i­tal in an inter­view Mon­day.  “It does­n’t exact­ly go the same with oth­er parts that affect the pric­ing, though. So, for exam­ple, we’re stand­ing in front of the refri …