Cue the Water­works: CNN Pre­dicts ‘Peo­ple Crying…Babies Yelling for Joe’

<div>Cue the Waterworks: CNN Predicts 'People Crying...Babies Yelling for Joe'</div>

With Pres­i­dent Joe Biden set to speak dur­ing Night One of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion on Mon­day – to quick­ly get out the way of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris – some of the folks at CNN were prepar­ing peo­ple for some major water­works. Through­out the day, far-left CNN com­men­ta­tors Van Jones and Bakari Sell­ers pre­dict­ed every­one in the are­na (includ­ing babies) would be left cry­ing for the sup­posed beau­ty of Biden step­ping aside (when he was real­ly thrown out by an inter-par­ty coup).
Dur­ing the afternoon’s CNN News Cen­tral, Jones gushed about what Biden was going to do dur­ing his speech. “And tonight, Biden comes out and he’s going to do one of the most beau­ti­ful acts of polit­i­cal lead­er­ship; to step back so some­body else can step for­ward. That very rarely hap­pens,” he tout­ed.
He then pre­dict­ed they were going to need box­es of Kleenex tis­sues set up around the are­na because so man …