Dean Phillips ‘tried to’ oust Biden ‘two years ago,’ would do it ‘a thou­sand times over’ despite blow­back

<div>Dean Phillips 'tried to' oust Biden 'two years ago,' would do it 'a thousand times over' despite blowback</div>

The lone House Demo­c­rat who chal­lenged Pres­i­dent Biden for the 2024 nom­i­na­tion said he has no regrets about sound­ing the alarm on his can­di­da­cy ear­ly – despite the blow­back he’s received from mem­bers of his own party.“You know, I nev­er could have imag­ined it would have hap­pened this way,” Rep. Dean Phillips, D‑Minn., told Fox News Dig­i­tal of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ mete­oric rise to the top of the ticket.“Of course, I tried to do this almost two years ago. I ran for pres­i­dent nine months ago. And of course I would have liked to have seen him do this soon­er. But the way it has tran­spired is beyond mirac­u­lous.” HARRIS AND TRUMP HOLD DUELING RALLIES IN THE BIGGEST OF THE BAT­TLE­GROUND­SPhillips became a pari­ah with­in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty for a time after he launched a long­shot pri­ma­ry cam­paign against Biden late …