George San­tos Pleads Guilty To Fed­er­al Charges

George Santos Pleads Guilty To Federal Charges

For­mer Rep. George San­tos (R‑NY), who was expelled from the House ear­li­er this year, plead­ed guilty to fed­er­al charges of wire fraud and aggra­vat­ed iden­ti­ty theft in New York on Mon­day.
A judge report­ed­ly sug­gest­ed San­tos could face a six-to-eight year sen­tence. The Jus­tice Depart­ment (DOJ) not­ed San­tos will also pay resti­tu­tion of $373,749.97 and for­fei­ture of $205,002.97.
Sen­tenc­ing is sched­uled to take place on Feb­ru­ary 7.
“I deeply regret my con­duct and the harm it has caused and accept full respon­si­bil­i­ty for my actions,” San­tos said in court, accord­ing to USA Today.
Fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors unveiled 23 charges against San­tos last year, includ­ing aggra­vat­ed iden­ti­ty theft, wire fraud, and con­spir­a­cy stem­ming back to his 2022 cam­paign.
San­tos had ear­li­er plead­ed not guilty to the charges.
The plea deal, which the DOJ said brings a manda­to­ry two-year min­i­mum sen­tence of impris­on­ment and a max­i­mum of 22 years …