Har­ris cam­paign web­site still miss­ing pol­i­cy posi­tions as DNC kicks off

Harris campaign website still missing policy positions as DNC kicks off

The Har­ris cam­paign web­site, which includes pages to buy mer­chan­dise, donate and get to know the can­di­date’s back­ground, remains devoid of any pol­i­cy plans a full month after Kamala Har­ris became the infor­mal nominee.As the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion begins this week, crit­ics have been slam­ming the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for fail­ing to sit for any inter­views or hold press con­fer­ences. Har­ris’ lack of pol­i­cy plans on her web­site comes a month after she infor­mal­ly became the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent – and two weeks after she became the for­mal nom­i­nee fol­low­ing a roll call vote by par­ty delegates.The Demo­c­rat nom­i­nee’s web­site does include bios for both Har­ris and her vice pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, Gov. Tim Walz of Min­neso­ta. It also includ …