Hol­ly­wood Celebri­ties To Head­line Every Night of DNC

The 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion will look more like a typ­i­cal Hol­ly­wood awards show than a polit­i­cal event when things kick off this week in Chica­go. 
Con­ven­tion orga­niz­ers have con­firmed to CNN that a dif­fer­ent celebri­ty will kick off each of the four nights at the DNC, where the fea­tured star will give remarks and reap­pear on stage through­out the evening, start­ing on Mon­day night with “Scan­dal” star Tony Gold­wyn.
Tues­day night, CNN con­trib­u­tor and host of “The View” Ana Navar­ro will emcee the evening. Wednes­day night TV star Mindy Kaling will host fol­lowed by actress Ker­ry Wash­ing­ton on Thurs­day, who will emcee the evening o …